Friday, August 15, 2008

You Stay Sexy, San Diego! July, 2008

Ah, San Diego. Always warm, always sunny, beaches unlike any other, happy health-conscious people... I love that city. You could spend a week there and never do the same thing twice.

I took a drive down that way a couple of weekends ago and walked around the La Jolla area, and loved the pictures I got. Surfers, families, beach houses, crashing waves... all of it was gorgeous. (By the way, that's a sailboat behind that one surfer below, not a gigantic shark. A shark would have been cooler, though.)

I threw a couple of shots of some condos I spotted a few blocks off the beach, too, just because I thought they turned out cool. Even thought I made them creepy and they don't really fit in with the happy-sunny San Diego theme.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Luck o' the Amish, July 2008

In the beginning of July, the family held their tri-annual Family Reunion in the lovely little village of Intercourse, Pennsylvania. No, I'm not giving you the opening line of a dirty joke- it's true.

I've already cracked more Intercourse jokes in the month that followed that I did in my entire life preceding that. So don't expect to see any here.

Instead, I'll just post up some of the beautiful surroundings we found ourselves in. Intercourse truly is beautiful.
(Ok, sorry, I know, I promised I wouldn't do that.)t.)